JMVC.Net – JavaScriptMVC + Asp.Net MVC 4

With JMVC.Net, you can use the client-side JavaScript MVC with the Asp.Net MVC C#
with a simple interface for creating a new scaffolding.

You can know download it here
Leave a comment on what we can improve for the next version.
See you there!

Thank you.


What is JavaScriptMVC?

A collection of the best practices and tools for building JavaScript applications. Built on top of jQuery, it consists of the following standalone components:

  • StealJS – Dependency management and a stupidly easy build tool.
  • FuncUnit – There’s no better functional testing solution available. Write tests in jQuery syntax, run them via command line or browser.
  • jQueryMX – These plugins are the building blocks of large jQuery applications: model, view, controller, class, fixtures, and more.
  • DocumentJS – A JSDoc compliant tool that turns comments into a searchable documentation app.

Why JavaScriptMVC?

It is the product of years of experience in the trenches developing medium to large JavaScript applications. It will help you build a quality application.

Who Uses JavaScriptMVC?

Our users are software craftsmen who care about doing JavaScript development the right way. They care about things like test driven development, performance, code quality, structure and maintainability.

JavaScriptMVC makes it simple to do all these things and more.

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